Apr 9Liked by Mike Lewis

There’s something lost when we aren’t together in a room having to look someone in the eye and watching them feel pain at our words. I think most of us learn this on the playground as children when we trade one insult too many and recognize the hurt on our classmate’s face. Bodies matter - a lot.

I don’t know you, have spent a bit of time with WPI content, but as a new person to the Catholic Church (though not to Christianity) I chose to wear blinders to most of what’s happening in the online Catholic sphere. The online Orthodox were enough to repel me, and I felt the same happening with certain online Catholics, but the real life Catholics who have walked with me have been kind and generous.

I am very sorry to hear about what you have been through and hope you have a supportive local (3D) community that can keep you going!

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Apr 9Liked by Mike Lewis

Mike - I feel your pain and would like to offer some suggestions:

1) Post to X but do not engage in the comments. While X draws a lot of followers, it is FILLED with vicious personalities who will only waste your time and try to drag you down with them to Hell; think of these like a Medusa to whom one must not turn to see.

2) Limit all article submissions to specific topics and to about 1 page (a word count) in length. Personally, I look for the "bottom line up front" followed by supporting information. Even Facebook used to limit the size of posts (wise); X still does, at least for those who are not paying.

3) With evidence, continue to pursue removal of the vicious deacon from ministry; continue to be just. Libel, slander, and bullying are grievous sins and no religious or ordained person should be allowed to publicly persist in them. He may be following the examples of the known enemies of the Pope and while those poor examples are being addressed by the Pope, the children of personalities like those need to be reformed too.

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Apr 9Liked by Mike Lewis

Mike WPI has been a godsend in so many ways. What you experience proves your worth and value and importance to the mission of the Church & the Petrine ministry of our time. And it is Easter !!!! The Paschal Mystery.... a couple of postings ago when you came back from Rome you said something along the lines ... no matter what you say or do you will never change the particular mind-genre of the Rad-Trads. And in our Post-Truth Western world this is true. As they would say in AA- beware of the trap of trying to deal with and change that over which we are utterly powerless. The only person you have power over is Mike Lewis. So Mike Lewis husband and father FIRST ... and red hot apologist Second... Go with the charism of WPI and Mike Lewis and the truly wonderful people you have gathered with you. Paul Fahey and his "hurt" and wounded self working with everything he has got - Nathan Turowsky - Pedro Gabriel - Sr Gabriela of the Incarnation and shall I keep going with those fantastic lay Catholics you have posted over the years.... this is where the grace is calling you .... this is where the Good Spirit is at work ... the pain and the hurt and shouting of the "bad Spirit" is to remind you of Psalm 131 and Ex 14:13. God Bless and for goodness sakes keep going... you have an enormous amount of suffering to get through yet... Mike !!!! Why not publish every 2 or 3 days..you have built your base... or why not email us with a News-brief on what's afoot on WPI and can be expected in time... The Tablet does this .... it's a pity all the money seems to be on the Right or the Left and never in the Centre !!! God Bless from Australia....and why not take a break... until Pentecost.... God Grant Me the Serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the person I can, and the Wisdom to know that I am that person. RG

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Apr 9Liked by Mike Lewis

Mike, I'm so sorry to read all that you've endured. I know what it's like to have 'bad actors' (I'm using understatement) but if this is what they do to you, and you are an articulate person, what are they doing to other Catholics? But more importantly, what is their impact on younger Catholics?

~ If they do this to you, an educated adult, what kinds of torment are they pouring on others who are not 'traditionalists'?

~ If you can trust somebody at the Archdiocese you must tell them what you've been burdened with because if they do it to you, they'll do this to people who are less knowledgeable about the Church. Imagine others with less self-confidence and knowledge experiencing this kind of treatment from 'people in positions that represent the Church'!

~ For the sake of others, you might reconsider and take action - especially if the person subjecting you to this torment is a deacon - this is a special position of trust and a position held in esteem by other Catholics. This kind of behavior cannot continue for the sake of your sister and brother Catholics, those who have 'less standing' in what seems to be an unhealthy organization. This is not 'the Church' - this is somebody else's opportunity to be 'important' in an organization - but it is 'not the Church'.

~ I really do understand this kind of behavior. These tormentors must be held accountable because they are seemingly seen as 'representatives of the Church.'

~ "If they come for you in the morning, they'll come for me at night!"

~ I am Praying for you.

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Apr 9Liked by Mike Lewis

I will pray for you and pray your critics get help. I knew you were attacked a lot, but not the specifics. It’s especially bad to hear the calumny and dragging your family into it. I do appreciate your work.

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Apr 9Liked by Mike Lewis

Praying for you, and that God will constrain the evil this deacon is doing.

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Apr 9Liked by Mike Lewis

Sending you prayers, will make a donation to WPI, I find myself disagreeing with you a lot, especially on Covid matters, but I strongly support your project in getting the authentic Francis out to people, there’s so much freedom of your conscience that Francis is trying to give people, it’s sad that they won’t even look, never read your beautiful piece on your mom, I don’t think you harmed her at all, we are all treasures in clay

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Apr 9Liked by Mike Lewis

This is awful, Mike. The intensity with which the deacon is attacking you is a reflection of the intensity of fear your writing provokes in him, it’s the same with all the others who attack you. He/they feel threatened and can’t refute your arguments , so they attack instead.

He should be held accountable in addition to being prayed for. Loving others includes not allowing them to behave in damaging ways. I hope you will pursue action by his superiors. WPI is so important; I constantly refer people to it. What can we do to help?

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Apr 9Liked by Mike Lewis

You are in my prayers Mike .

This new fangled instant communication is wonderful and dreadful too but you have God with you and He will give you strength to shrug off this poor soul who is clearly not the full shilling .

Thank you so much for all you do at WPI .

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Apr 11Liked by Mike Lewis

Mike - be assured, you are in my daily morning prayers - as to work and business advice, I will leave that to your discernment. The great news is you are NOT unnoticed. Your messaging is having an impact. And it is a positive impact on many.

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I would just get off of X altogether. I'm rarely on there since Musk took over anyway. It's mostly a MAGA playing field these days it seems...

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Aw Mike. I know you don't want to, but why not get some SEO and ad revenue going on the site, and pay yourself for your hard work for the church. It can be tastefully done. Most Catholic sites do it. It's the lesser of two evils- shutting down being the other option. Just a suggestion. Take or leave.

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