Not that you need to hear it from a member of the choir, but you are an excellent example of what a Catholic warrior should do in social media to defend our Church and our Pope.

It would be a great mistake to believe that the main reason you are being attacked is because of something wrong with you. In fact, it has to do a lot with ignorance, error, and pride on the part of your attackers. Even worse, it has to do a lot with the work of the Adversary and his many fallen angels that constantly whisper in people's ears how wrong this or that person is for saying this or that, instead of congratulating you (i.e. your critics) for not having recognized your wisdom and congratulated you. The rap gets set and it is amazing how many people keep falling for these temptations to appeal to their pride.

While I did not previously understand the deeper problems with the Vatican entering into an agreement with China on a protocol to move forward with selecting bishops in China, you have done the hard work to prepare in depth articles so we can make informed decisions.

As to the young priest that blocked you and accused your work, his own words accuse him. The fruits coming out of him are not good, and reflect rather poorly on his person as a priest.

Keep on fighting the good fight.

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