20 hrs ago·edited 20 hrs agoLiked by Mike Lewis

Thank you Mike. I very much appreciate you bringing attention to, and informing humble Catholics, of the heretics and false prophets that consistently preach against the Pope, and in many ways the Teachings of Christ.

To your point in your blog take, I think bad faith formation is one major symptom of the "traditude", along with a judgmental selfishness and power trip, making them modern day Pharisees.

As in todays Gospel according to St. Mark for the 25th Sunday in ordinary time, Jesus says: Taking a child, he placed it in their midst,

and putting his arms around it, he said to them,

“Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me;

and whoever receives me,

receives not me but the One who sent me.”

We all need to receive Jesus and the Church as through the eyes of a child, innocent and faithful, without the vanity and judgement that brings darkness, hatefulness, and division.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Mike Lewis

I empathize with your frustration. There's nothing quite like filling your mind with demons to bring you down.

I think you may be on to something with apologetics and the combative nature of much of them. So many of my relatives are big fans of Bishop Strickland, Fr. Ripperger, etc because the popular apologists they listened to and trusted 20 years have endorsed them. It's difficult to contend with the idea that the guy you listened to on the radio who gave you all the Catholic answers and the people whose books you read to learn all about your faith are not the ultimate authority or necessarily trustworthy still. I've had to stop talking religion with family completely.

Honestly, we need to keep the litmus test of someone showing love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, etc in mind for whether someone is worth listening to. I'll pray for your restored peace of mind.

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Sep 22Liked by Mike Lewis

I think your support of Pope Francis is so well founded, it really is strange to me how good friends in tradistan won’t give him an ear. My theory on why that is, is mostly due to how much the current Pope is loved by people on the political left in America, who I do share an annoyance with, maybe because I take the whole “love your enemies seriously” but I never allow my own annoyance to push over to distain. But the political left in this country is arrogant and condescending, they really do push people away, but that is not Pope Francis fault, he has helped me incredibly, so keep up the great work of showing what he really says, not some fun house version

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Tony the dislike

, disrespect against Pope Francis began a long time ago. It started just after his election. I was present. When it started and had to walk out of conference I was so disgusted at language. Even the retiring of previous pope wasn’t accepted. He’s the true pope. This one considered from then a false pope

There is so much more and it has gotten much much worse over years. The utter horror of that person Vigano calling the holy father “ Bergoglio” is horrific. And no one has been able to contain him.

The church is the heart, mind, morality, peace of the world. Even with its sinful members.

The church, led by “Peter” is the barque of Peter where all are welcome.

The followers who follow these “treasures” are led away and maybe even lost.


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I agree with that, to modify my comment above a little , the right hates Francis because the left loves him, I’m not saying they’re correct for this, I’m just saying that’s what I think it is, the major news outlets fawned over Francis from day 1, again that’s not a good reason to question Francis, but the left in this country really is intolerant, close minded and joyless, that is not Francis fault, I love Pope Francis, he goes beyond a left/ right paradigm, he shows the way to Christ, and to true joy

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13 hrs agoLiked by Mike Lewis

You do incredible work Mike. Your commitment, hard hard work, dedication, integrity and fidelity is mind blowing. THANK YOU. And never doubt that you are truly on the mark. The charism of Mike Lewis is very close to Matthew 13:10-16... Eyes that can see, ears that can hear.... God Bless and keeping you in my prayers.

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15 hrs agoLiked by Mike Lewis

Mike, greatly informative article, as usual, but 100 hours listening to Ripperger! Seriously, thanks to you and your selfless sacrifice for the rest of us, Ripperger is now in my radar and I have no desire to listen to one of his diatribes for even 10 minutes.

Your article did take me back to when Jesus was overjoyed and said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children." No, I'm not implying that you're a prophet, but simply that I'm convinced that Jesus was thinking of all the wise and learned people throughout the ages that were and are found unworthy of understanding God's wisdom.

Yes, it's sad indeed as you say, but on the other hand, it's up to God to share his wisdom with those he finds worthy.

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I don't know how you're swinging a Vatican slush fund and Soros bux these days, but it's quite amazing. Always grateful for how you step into breaches most of us are blind to.

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Mike Lewis extra

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Mike I often feel the same way too. You’re far from alone. Hang in there, my friend. You’re in my prayers, brother.

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